

We have missed a lot of school this winter due to weather.  Today was our 10th(?) day off.  Most of the days have been for cold or ice, or predictions of snow.  This was the first knock-your-socks-off snow storm we have seen in a few years.  It was the best snowday ever!

My husband's office was closed and all of our activities were cancelled.  Hooray for unplanned family time together!

This was a really beautiful snow-- so fluffy and light (until it started sleeting).  It wasn't too cold, and all of the neighbors were outside playing.  My son built an igloo.

The snowballs weren't sticking together very well, so we resorted to throwing shovels full of snow at the kids.  Oh, the laughter!

Do you want to build a snowman?  (Raise your hand if the song is stuck in your head now.  You're welcome.)

Just to give you an idea of how much snow we got-- this is my mailbox, which is shoulder height, surrounded by snow.

Every major snowstorm of the last 11 years has coincided with the birth of one of our children.  Name a big Virginia snow storm, and I was either in the hospital giving birth or at home with a brand new baby and a c-section recovery.  Good timing on my part, right?  Because of this, I have gotten out of shoveling a lot.  (Read: I never, ever shovel.)  No excuses today, so I pitched in little bit.  Turns out we only own one shovel, though.  Oops.  I think I know what my husband is going to get me for Valentine's Day.

We also went sledding on the big hill across from our house.  So. much. fun.  No pictures, though!  What do you like to do on snow days with your children?  I hope you had fun playing and learning with them today.

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