
Classroom Safari

Play to Learn Preschool
Our thematic unit this month at preschool is Zoo Animals. We've learned all about the different types of vertebrates (mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, and amphibians) and even had a visitor come with some real amazing animals for us to see!

We are also learning about the different habitats where zoo animals are found. Today's topic was the African savanna. Many (most?) of our students have seen the movies Madagascar and Lion King. We talked about those movies to get them thinking about African animals. 

Then, we gave each student a Safari name tag and a safari hat! It was time to go on a tour around our classroom to find the animals that live on the savanna.
Before the students arrived for the day, we taped 12 animal photographs all around the room at eye level.
Each student had a clipboard and a journal page. I showed them how to make a check mark. (I love preschool.) Then they went off on their own safari adventure. As they found each of the animals around the room, they checked it off on the journal.

We also talked about how we had to be a little quiet so that we wouldn't frighten any of the animals away. (It's spring and we've got a good case of spring fever. I'll use any tactic available!!)
The students were so excited to complete the safari tour and find all of the animals around the room. Plus, later in the day during centers they were talking about "gazelles" and "ostriches" and other cool African animals. Hooray!

This activity is just one of the 10 circle time lessons that are included in our "Zoo Centers and Circle Time" unit for preschoolers. Enjoy. :)

 Have fun playing and learning with your children today!

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