
Individual Apple Pies

Cooking with kids at Play to Learn Preschool
Our preschoolers LOVE to cook, and our apple unit lends itself to lots of fun recipes.  We were inspired by this post by Powerful Mothering about how to make homemade apple pies with preschoolers.  It looks fabulous, and if we only had 1 preschool student that's what we would have done.  But, the reality is we have 10 eager chefs and just about 1 hour of center time so we had to make a few accommodations!

First off, we used individual Ready Crusts.  :)

And we also used canned apples.  :)

The kids measured and mixed their own crumb topping.

Crumb topping: pat of butter, spoonful of sugar, spoonful of flour, and a sprinkle of cinnamon.  Mix with a fork.  (It's not an exact science!)

Pour the crumb topping on the apple pie.

Bake at 350* for about 12-15 minutes.  After they cooled, we wrapped them up in plastic wrap to send home with each student!

 Have fun playing and learning with your children today!


  1. This is genius and so easy, thanks for sharing!

    1. I'm not sure about genius, but it was definitely easy! Thanks for commenting. :)

  2. You would not believe the teeniest tiniest little taste that I was allowed to have! My kiddo offered me her spoon and I almost needed a microscope to find what I was going to be tasting! :) Thanks for posting the recipe - we're looking forward to having a little bit for everybody. :)

    1. I didn't even get a teeny tiny microscopic bite! There was one extra pie, and one of the little darlings begged to take it home to his brother. How could I say no to that?!!
