
Santa Fun at Circle Time

I love a circle time activity that is chock full of learning and has the class erupting into a chorus of giggles!  This week I taught a Santa song (to the tune of "Bingo").
Academically, it is great for letter recognition and for practicing one-to-one matching.  (Some of my 3-year-olds are now able to spell "Santa" and write it without a model.  Amazing.)

The letters are tacked to the easel, with the words of the song nearby.  We sang the regular verse a number of times.

Then the fun began.  Instead of clapping the letters like we do in "Bingo", I covered each letter one at a time with a Santa picture.  We sang "Ho! A - N - T - A!"

Then "Ho! Ho! N - T - A":

And on and on until the final verse: "Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!"  They thought this was hysterical and begged to sing the whole thing again.

When the kiddos are laughing, they are learning!  The signs are available (free!) if you'd like to print some for your class this month.

Enjoy playing and laughing with your children.

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