
Farm Sensory Play

With a new unit comes a new sensory table.  In the past, we have carved pumpkins, made magic snow, measured Valentine rice and mixed colors in the sensory table.  Most recently, it was full of oatmeal with big, medium and small bowl props (a la Goldilocks).

In May, the sensory table has popcorn kernels and farm toys (from the Safari Toob series).  The students brought in unit blocks from the block center to make "pens" for each of the animals.  Good idea!

One of our favorite things to do when we change the sensory table is to set up a dish washing station where the students can scrub down all of the sensory table toys.  We fill two dish tubs with soapy water, and add sponges and towels.  A couple of our students spent their entire hour and a half of center time washing dishes!  

Have fun playing and learning with your children today.

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