

Another month... another fun dramatic play center for our preschoolers!  The area is our kitchen, and we leave it as a plain housekeeping center for a week or 2 each month.  During the other weeks, though, we invite our kiddos to serve food at a restaurant, run an ice cream parlor, wrap presents at the gift wrapping department, care for babies in the nursery, and shop at the grocery store.

Our February theme is healthy bodies, and our dramatic play center is a Hospital.
The centerpiece of the Hospital is a cot that we use as a "Triage" area.  When patients arrive, they have to sign in at the reception desk, and then sit in the Waiting Room.

The doctors each have an Official ID Badge with their picture on it, and they can find their lab coat and a bag of medical supplies in the dress up closet.

The receptionist has an important job at the hospital, too.  He has to make sure all of the patients sign in, answer the phone to schedule appointments, and collect insurance information!

We keep all of the medical records in plastic sleeves on clipboards.  The doctors can write on the charts with a dry erase marker, and then erase them after the patient heals.

The hospital offers a full range of services including casts, blood pressure screening, (lots of) shots, and vision exams.

Baskets of medical tools are located around the hospital.  We labeled each tub with a picture so that at the end of each shift, the orderlies would be able to return the equipment to the right spot!

Our students love, love, love this center!  Many of them spent the entire hour and a half of centers being patients, doctors, nurses and other hospital workers.  They love to take care of the teachers and each other.  So much learning takes place as they negotiate their roles, discuss their health issues, use new vocabulary and interact with each other.  (And, I would be remiss if I didn't thank Doc McStuffins for teaching them all to make a "diagnosis"!)

All of the signs, labels, name tags and medical record forms for this hospital center are available here.

Have fun playing and learning with your children today!


  1. Hi Jamie! I found your blog through the "I is for Inspire" blog. Congrats on your nomination for the Liebster Award. I love finding other pre k bloggers! This is such a fun post! My kiddos would love this for our home center. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    Learn + Play = PreK

    1. Thanks Paula! I enjoy reading your blog, too, and just added it to my blog roll on the right side of my page.

  2. What a wonderful area for pretend play - and a lot of learning too! I would have loved this when I was little (okay, I love it now too! lol!)

  3. Anonymous5/30/2014

    Neat ideas, what is the green object in the middle of the room for the doctor theme?

    1. Thanks. It's a toy medical cart similar to this one:


    2. Anonymous10/23/2014

      what are the white boxes on the two exam tables?

    3. Little toy medical kits-- a yard sale find!

  4. Anonymous10/22/2014

    Hi I love your home center!! I was curious where you found the white tables at?

  5. Hi Jamie, this is an awesome set up. You are truly inspiring. I struggled in this area, I knew what I wanted to do in my head but just couldn't figure how to put it all together then I found your store and now it's all come together. Is there anyway you can repair the Amazon links they are blank. Thank you.
