
I Love to Laminate

Before you nominate me for an episode of Hoarders, let me explain!

I like to laminate.  A lot.  My little Xyron 900 and I are best buds.

It just makes sense, right?  When something is laminated, it is virtually indestructible in a preschool classroom.  That means I have to spend less time making centers, folder games and circle time songs each year.  

During our Snow-cation last week, I ran out of laminating film.  Disaster!  So, I ordered more cartridges online.  As soon as I placed the order, I received a personal email back from the owner of the company that went something like this:

Sticker Man:  Thanks for your order.  If you don't mind my asking, what do you do with all of the laminate/adhesive cartridges?

Me:  I'm a preschool teacher.  I laminate everything and stick it to stuff.  Why?

Sticker Man:  Well, you are just about the only person who orders this type of cartridge, so we were thinking about discontinuing them.

Me:  What?  No!!  Don't do it.  How many do you have left in your inventory?  Do I need to buy them all now?  How long do you expect the supply to last?

Sticker Man:  Whoa, Crazy.  We still have some left, but after they're gone we will not sell them.  How about if I give you a really good deal on 2 more of those cartridges you like and I will send you a free smaller machine with some free cartridges for it?  Then, maybe you could get used to it and try to transition over to the machine that takes the cartridges we sell.

Me:  Um, I don't really like change, and the Xyron 900 and I go way back.  But, free sounds good.  OK, I will try.

Sticker Man:  Ok then.  You might consider joining a 12-step program.  Your stuff is in the mail.

Well, guess what the UPS man brought to my door today?  Wow, wow, wow!  Look at all those laminating cartridges!

Here is my new, free consolation machine.  It's very cute, but so little!  I usually laminate full sheets, so I can already tell that this is not going to work.  But I will try.

If you'll excuse me, I am going to go work on a few new games for my morning work basket.
And, in case you're wondering... No, I will not share the name of the company.  What if there are other laminate hoarders out there and they find out about the imminent shortage of laminate/adhesive cartridges?  Then what?!?!!

(Many thanks to my hubs for suggesting I write this post.  In his words, "Why don't you blog about how crazy you are?  That would be more fun to read than those boring craft projects."  Thanks for the vote of confidence.)


  1. Oh no! I love to laminate too ... whatever am I going to do with my Xyron???

    1. The Xyron is not going anywhere... it's just the LAT laminate/permanent adhesive combo. Sticker Man tried to convince me that the repositionable adhesive would work well. He clearly does not work with preschoolers!

  2. No, no he does not!
